
– The Bible is the word of God without error, inspired and preserved by God.
– The Triune God: One God exists in three distinct persons. These three are one, each possessing all the attributes of God.
– The Deity of Jesus Christ born of a virgin fully man, and fully God manifest in the flesh.
– The Substitutionary Atonement of Christ for salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
– The literal Resurrection of Christ to offer salvation and eternal life to all who believe.
– The Return of Christ bodily to reign and rule in heaven and earth

Jesus Christ gave the Apostle Paul a new, distinct gospel:

– the revelation of the mystery
– which contains the instructions to the church for today

•In this dispensation of God’s grace we are not under the law
 •The King James Bible is a product of God’s promised obligation to perfectly preserve his words
•The family relationship is a reflection of God and the church
•We are all individually responsible for our choices before God. There is no priesthood today. Christ is the only mediator.
•God’s power works through sound doctrine to affect positive change in the world
•God’s ambassadors live within the world but should not live as the world

We are saved from sin,death and wrath when we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and his bodily resurrection. His sinless blood paid for our sins, earns forgiveness, and gives us eternal life. Salvation is not a product of works it is free gift from God on Christs behalf to the ungodly sinners who put their faith in the death, blood, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for their sins (Romans 4:5; Romans 4:24-25; 1 Cor 15:1-4). Saved by grace through faith, not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9).